Ocho proyectos de investigación sometidos por el Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (Intec) recibirán financiamiento por más de RD$57 millones del Fondo de Innovación y Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDOCyT) del Ministerio de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología (Mescyt). Una de las investigaciones que iniciará este año está orientada a desarrollar un nuevo método de análisis numérico no lineal del suelo, para determinar cómo varían sus propiedades al ser sometido a terremotos de distintas magnitudes,
El presidente Danilo Medina recibió en su despacho del Palacio Nacional, a varios ejecutivos de la empresa Huawei Technologies Co., LTd, para conversar sobre diversos asuntos de interés común. Comitiva La comisión estuvo integrada por el director de Negocios Empresariales de Huawei, Shixing Li; el CEO de la compañía en el Caribe, Stephen Ma y el gerente general en República Dominicana, Ding Xinfeng (Frank). Tecnología especializada Huawei es una compañía privada multinacional china de alta tecnología
Genoa – Traffic grows in the first two months of the year, as passengers grew by 3% last year, considering only non-chartered flights. Genoa – 2017 WAS not good, partly because of P&O Cruise’s ships leaving Genoa, but 2018 is expected to be a record year; this is the situation at Genoa’s Cristoforo Colombo Airport, according to its president, Paolo Odone. The departure of P&O has meant the loss of 50,000 charter passengers, which resulted
The economic policy plan proposal now being drafted by the 5-Star Movement in Italy will be focused on transport infrastructure and renewable energy, particularly with regard to development in the poorer southern parts of the country, as revealed by party deputy Laura Castelli in an interview with Reuters. In addition, the plan will also cancel the sales tax increases scheduled to take effect from 2019 onwards (put in place by the outgoing administration), according to
Gucci or Prada? Kanye or Taylor? Bernie or Hillary? When it comes to culture, we’re often asked to pick a side. Enter Wishbone. Every morning, users of the app are given 12 pop culture-based questions with two distinct choices, which range from “Modern or Vintage?” to “Would you rather have a rap battle with Nas or Slim Shady?” Once you make your pick, you can see the percentages of people who voted for each option.